Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Tale of the Tape

 Welcome everyone...sports produces that "tape measure" on everything The players and fans are glued to the tape. Question? Are you tracking your results v. effort? If not, you have very little on where you are at. Guessing, assuming, hope are not strategies for arriving at your 'Peak Performance.' Track reps, type, time, results. What do you want to accomplish, results expected, results achieved equals degree of efficientcy. It isn't amount of time spent...it's about how, why, results. When I prepare for the 100m. event, I break it down...1) block explosion, 1st 3m. Over and over again to attain results expected. Time. 2) Explosion 1st 5m. Time. 3) 1st 10m. Time. 4) 1st 40m. time. 5) At 80m. time. 6) at 90m. time. 7) At 103m. Time. I train at 103m. No quit. Every segment is analyzed. I have to at full bore at 10m. I am 5'7" 147lbs. I have to turn more revolutions per meter than someone six foot. I apply the same thing in my prep for the 200m. I my disadvantage into a strength. GET OUT FAST...and break down the the stride of the opponents. TURN a weakness into winning. Always about Time and the TAPE. secondwindfitnessfilm.com  Jimmy O

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Bare? No-not quite

Welcome every one...aaahhh, yes. Bare gets attention. At home, in your office, in the park...you want better functional balance, mental/physical alertness...take off your shoes and walk around in your stocking feet. Shoes are restrictive. Most of our nerve endings are in our feet. Let our feet take over...you want better awareness, more long lasting energy...let your feet do the talking. Feet are the "generators." First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always meet. 

Jimmy O   secondwindfitnessfilm.com