Sunday, July 29, 2018


Welcome everyone...for the past 18 years, cross training has played a major role in 1) mental fitness 2) attention to the particulars 3) muscle confusion 4) total body motion and readiness 5) confidence.
The mix...water aerobics, martial arts, racquetball, tennis, basketball, softball, weights, sprinting uphill and downhill, sprinting in water, on sand and grass barefoot. Technique, posture and form...critical. Two hour workouts were max. As I near my next competition, workouts were cut to one hour a day. all workouts were complimentary to event motion. When you can perform a drill one that same drill to a 4 way drill. These workouts take total commitment and dedication. No excuses.
Next writing...the break down. Jimmy O

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Where does Your Road Map Lead?

Welcome everyone...if you don't know where you are going, you will never get there. Categories in training/workouts...1) weekend warriors, 2) staying in shape/exercising, 3)muscle building, 4) competitor. Define your level. Most of my writings, seminars, tutoring, camps are geared toward the competitive, body motion and functional balance. All ages and impact levels. Body motion and functional balance is a must in all sports and non sports. That is the core for growth in body, mind and spirit. I mix in various Martial Art's movements as well. Brain boosters are also critical in our progressions. Next writing will be the onset of a new series. Have a meaningful life everyone. Jimmy O
New series...Too Get There, Start Here.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Welcome everyone...there is a "sameness" in most everything in life. Boredom...the result of habitual/lack of substance behavior. When we cast aside our creativeness, ingenuity, passion, we become robotic, no energy, listless. All athletes face the above with varying degrees. You stop that behavior with "a change up" behavior. Completely change your training routine. Change your mental state of mind. You must take charge...get behind wheel of your life...and drive. Unload that excess baggage. First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always meet. Jimmy O

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Pot Luck

Welcome everyone...yesterday topped the best single day ever in number of "hits" for my blog. This blog began 11 years ago. Thank you. In answer to a few of the requests...I have a total of 123 varied drills/exercises designed by three other experts and myself. What's the best way to get a "6 pak?" I will select 2 of the 13. Stationary stance, feet 6-8 inches apart, jump up and bring knees to belt high or higher w/hands waist high. Don't land and stick...pop up quickly and repeat 30 X in 15 sec. 2) bend knees slightly, arms straight out w/ slight elbow bend, chest high, kangaroo hop as far as you can for 10 yds. and back. The higher you hold your arms gives greater
the impact. 5 sets each drill. The "pop up" is critical. Over this past year I have noticed a decline in sit ups and crunches...that's a good sign...stop just rolling the fat around. My knees hurt, what can I do.
First, stay off the tread mill. You don't have to push off (feet), all you do is raise your legs and right back down. Get on any glider, skiing motion. 2) any swimming motion or running in shallow water. 3) standing, knees slightly bent, slow rotation, hands resting
slightly above knees. Rotate one way 10 X and then the opposite way. Reference bottom of last blog. See you in a week. Jimmy O

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Welcome everyone...most workout warriors want long lasting endurance for peak performance. If you limit your fitness program to the weight room w/your ipad/cell, you need not read any further. However, for you sincere fitness guys and gals then perhaps you will go for this...break away from your comfort zone. Go to a track and work with a 400m. Jog the first 300m and then sprint the final 100m. After each 400m rest 3/5 min. Next, reverse it. Sprint first 100m and then jog final 300m. Repeat rest period. You get the idea.
Mix it up. Total time for workout, 1 hour. 20 min. cool down. Total
time 1 hour, 20 min. Muscle care...for acute muscle ache, use ARNICA. Its a works! For long lasting ache, use Winter Green or Tea Tree. Both are liquid. I have used all three for over 10
years and wouldn't be w/out them. Jimmy O