Monday, August 26, 2019

Women Only (2)

Welcome everyone...for 11 years I facilitated a fitness class for women, avg. age 50. I referred to them as 'miracle gals.' Avg. size class, 37. All should have gone into modeling. Let's talk 'body alignment.' Stocking feet are restrictive. Walk around the house in stocking feet, no shoes. Go up and down stairs on the balls of your feet. If your body is not aligned properly, your toning will follow suit. Calves, precious 'show muscle.' Up on your toes, 4 directional walk. Sideways, do a cross over. 3 sets 30 sec each set to start. Now, sit on floor and place hands over toes and pull back slowly and hold for 20 sec. Do 3 x. Will relax the calf muscles. That buttocks...using a 1/2 or 1 lb. wt. in each hand (to start), ft. about 6 inches apart and squat about 1 ft. and back up. Slowly. 10 to a set w/max of 3 sets. You can do a walk (lunge) and do 10/20 steps. All of the above 2x a week to start. Max 3x wk. You will begin to notice positive results by the end of 2nd wk. You may feel a slight burn in those areas..that's the pushing out of 'baby fat' and muscle tightening of muscles. Also, your balance will be much better and will make you a better dance.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

For Women Only

Welcome to our special edition. The following "model" exercises are a few of the most popular in my program. 1) triceps...need a bench, right knee on bench, left leg on floor, reach down for one or two lb. wt., stay bent over, four step motion. A. Pull wt. to chest high, B,  move wt. straight back and hold for count of 10, do not bend elbow, C, bring wt. back to chest, D, straight down w/wt. Do not swing wt. Do  3/5 sets daily. 2) Wall push outs. Stand about 18 inches from wall, hands chest high against wall w/chest against wall and push out slowly. 5 sets, 10 to each set. 3) Tummy. Lay flat on your stomach, elbows aligned under shoulders, come up about 3/4 inches and hold for 20 sec. Start w/5 sets. Moving to higher impact...just move elbows forward a few inches. 4) Lay flat on your back, w/arms straight above your head, raise up just a couple of inches and hold for count of 10. I don't believe in sit ups or crunches. They just move the fat around. My belief...tighten the tummy! If you do all of these every other day, you will feel results in 3 days and begin to see results in 5 days. You should feel a slight "burn" in 2 days. Next off and calves. Jimmy O

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Your next challenge

Welcome everyone...we need to come face to face with ourselves. And, we need to challenge least ounce a yr. Take your normal drills on any given day and record the results of each drill...if you are in competition, record results of your events. You try to beat your best. Wear a stop watch. We need to measure our workouts. Challenge yourself. Wanting to get better is not enough. Your attitude must be..."I have to get better, N. O. W."  Passion.Vision. Accomplishment. You will learn a lot about yourself. Without this will always be the that what you really want?  First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Avoiding Low Energy (part 2)

Welcome everyone...part 2 of 2. Poor or wrong oral care can lead to gum disease, oral cancer, dry mouth, bulimia, cardiovascular disease, dementia, respiratory infections...bacteria in the mouth from infected teeth and swollen gums can be breathed into the lungs or travel there through the blood stream. Once there the bacteria can lead to infections, pneumonia, acute bronchitis. Also diabetes, pregnancy complications, infertility, erectile dysfunction, cancer, kidney disease, rhematoid arthritis. From a personal standpoint... five days in the hospital, I vowed to learn how to take better care of my oral hygiene. If this info helps just one person, this writing will be rewarded. Perhaps we should pay more attention to "internal looks" as opposed to external. My thanks to the dental assoc., academy of general dentistry and current and past dental patients.