Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hello and welcome of the most frequent requests
that I get is "what makes up a winner in training, sports and competing?" So, after years of research here is what I have found to
be the DNA of a winner. Grinder, patience, goal oriented, mental
toughness, passion, ability to assess, accept your way of life, ethics,
accept that every day is a Mt Everest, attentive to details, establish
and recognize your skill set and vision. The thoughts of winning
are always in your mind. Several years ago I read an interview that
a sports writer was conducting with Mary Decker Tab, the great
International 1500m runner. Question to Mary was "what do you
think about before and during the race?" Mary's response, "I think
about all the things that can happen during my race. Weeks before
the race, I am consumed by the vision myself already
being there. I fall asleep seeing myself winning." So there you have
it. My book this week Law of Attraction."

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Welcome everyone...let's start off with wishing Anna Stoehr a Happy Birthday. Anna from MN, USA turned 114 on 10/17. Veggies have an expiration date...not humans. Let's explore my three key words and them to training and workouts. 1) Password.
2) Gap. 3) No Fly Zone. Each one of us must have a key to open
the treasure of 100's of different drills and exercises. So, we need to
change our mind set from going through the motions in our workouts to efficiency. Efficiency is the line between results expected and results achieved. So much in life centers on time,
distance, numbers and connections. Discover your password, derived from being true to yourself. Gap...empty space. Notice when people talk and have nothing to say, they repeat themselves
or slow down their speech pattern. No Gap. No fly zone...stay away
from drills that threaten you health...injury. Rehab is more costly
and time consuming than proper workouts, proper warm up and
cool down. Happy birthday Anna.
Have a meaningful life everyone. Jimmy O

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hello and welcome everyone...received positive reviews for blogs
Torque and Pop, thank you. Most of you know that I work with and
follow men and women with physical or mental challenges. Julie
Fast, Appalachian Trail. Look up on Bing or google. This blog will
conclude my toughest training drills. Push a 2x4 10m. Bend down
with hands on 2x4 and push as fast as you can. Five sets. I use 8
hurdles, 15 inches in ht. and about 2 feet apart, in a row. Face one
way, jump and spin in air and face the other way as I go over each
hurdle. Jump over hurdles with one foot at a time. Last, jumping
side ways over each hurdle. Five sets each drill. Next drill, jumping
up bringing knees waist high touching knees to hands. Jumping 30
times in 15 seconds. Using ankle weights, one pound each and sprint up steps. I use steps at a place near a lake. There are 84 steps.
Five sets. I have designed 43 different training drills. Mix and match as you wish.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Hello and welcome everyone...before we explore a few of my 41
exercises (drills), reference the following...1) the book Power vs Force. 2) Dr. William Braud, founder of Mind Science Foundation.
3) by Christie Marie Sheldon. OK,
let's get to the drills. Warm up must be an exact preface to the
movement in your drills for your end result. There are three planes
of motion...directional not locational. Traverse go up
down and across. Sagittal plane...longitudinal vertical plane dividing the body. Frontal plane. I focus on core exercises and fast
twitch fiber drills. Up hill sprints, 30m in length with at least a 10m
elevation...forward and backward. Still on the hill, sprint forward
carrying an 8/10 pound weight out in front of me. Kangaroo hops
for 10m. Squat, jump and spin in air 180 and continue for 10m.
When landing, pop up quickly. Still on hill, hop forward on one
foot for 5m and then the other for 5m. More next week.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O