Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Have a seat at the Thanksgiving table. This has been my favorite holiday since my youth.  Each year I send or hand a letter to those who have had an impact on my life. This year a letter goes to you...the reader. And God is seated at the head of the table. The menu.. turkey and all the trimmings and gifts. The gifts...stories, laughs, forgiveness, acceptance, memories and friendship. Friendship cannot be measured by fractions, slide rule or score card. It's about feelings..."I like me best when I'm with you." A friend is someone who likes you even after they get to know you. "People will forget what you said, what you did, what you were wearing...they will never forget how you made them feel." We are fighting a global, invisible, deadly  enemy...each should have a 'Greater Power' at their table. Fate is what life gives you...destiny is what you do with it. So, my friends...thank you for coming into my life.  With Best Wishes, Jimmy O

Friday, November 20, 2020

Warm up More

Welcome our recent survey, we found most felt 'warm up' was a waste of time. Boring. served no purpose. With that attitude, rehab is next. Warm up is the 'wake up call.' Mental and physical. Warm up and cool down should be at least 1/2 the time of the work out. Indifference  toward your body is a sad way to look at yourself. Wake up! Give yourself a chance to become better. Next week... my annual Thanksgiving message. jimmy o

Monday, November 9, 2020


 Welcome everyone...most of us are familiar with rehab. Within this past year my released my PreHab design program. Scrutinized by several therapists before release. This program has application for injuries and certain diseases, ie heart, cancer and others. Treatment prior to surgery or other proceedures suspect areas. The mental recovery is critical. Lets address sports, workout injuries. We tend to try and cover up our soreness areas. Be careful with that. Your body is telling you something. With minor soreness...acute pain I recommend Arnicare cream. For chronic soreness...Wintergreen liquid. more next writing. Jimmy O

Monday, November 2, 2020

UP a Notch

Welcome everyone...let's take it up a notch. 1) get a rubber ball and throw it against a flat surface at an angle so you have to sprint to get it...hands behind your back until you have taken 3 steps (not strides) after 3 steps, reach for the ball. 10 sets. MOVE your feet. 2) On a flat surface, your hands and toes on the ground, stay in place and now move your Five sets, 30 sec. each set. 3) standing on any movable object, rubber or waffle board, and one person to your left and right at an angle 3/4 yards from you, each person, one at a time, throws the soccer ball to you. You must look straight ahead. This drill will enhance your focus and peripheral vision. Drill for 2 min. straight. Jimmy O