Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Bell Rings

Happy New Year everyone...every year "new replaces old" and we is also the time when we hear about all the New Year's resolutions. Perhaps we should replace the 'resolution' with the word 'Gonna.' I'm gonna do this and that...and end up doing nothing to change. We bring in the new year easier and faster than we get rid of old habits. Time travels in one direction, and no we can't "make up for lost time." To do we view our "pattern of life." Evolve/change one piece at a time. Own your pattern...your life. Visualize your pattern of life as though you were already there, and begin to act/behave that way . I'll be back after the clock rings 12. Wishing you a safe, healthy and joyful New Year. Jimmy O

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas 2020

 Welcome and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah...Perhaps it is time to wish for and practice "peace on earth, good will toward mankind." Some day someone will write a book on this year 2020. And a book will be written on each one of us. I don't know about you, but I don't want to appear in a paperback...I want to be in hard cover. I want 2020 to be in hard cover. The last question we find in the book..."what kind of people were they...what kind of person were you. How will we define will each of us define ourselves. Last will our family and friends define us. With best wishes, jimmy

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Welcome everyone...aaahh yes, that finish line. But, where is it...exactly? We know the line is in front of the grand stands. Whether you are a sprinter or distant runner. So, long before you're up, pick out "land marks" around the track. This will help as to when you shift gears. Reminder...we are always measuring distance and energy. When/where do I kick? You take nothing for's the little things that add up to how you finish. Practice...when competing or will perform as you's also a mental practice.  Distance, energy, landmarks, practice, little things.   

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Muscle Memory

 Welcome everyone...for quite sometime now, I felt there was a parallel between business and sports. One link is muscle memory. We are guilty of relying on the "remote behavior." When want to change a way of doing things, under pressure, we resort back to the "old way." And get the same 2nd place results. Changing something requires change, you have to change. Break it down into tiny baby steps. We build that comfort zone on the old...Break that "spell." Don't allow muscle memory become your worst enemy. BREAK! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Have a seat at the Thanksgiving table. This has been my favorite holiday since my youth.  Each year I send or hand a letter to those who have had an impact on my life. This year a letter goes to you...the reader. And God is seated at the head of the table. The menu.. turkey and all the trimmings and gifts. The gifts...stories, laughs, forgiveness, acceptance, memories and friendship. Friendship cannot be measured by fractions, slide rule or score card. It's about feelings..."I like me best when I'm with you." A friend is someone who likes you even after they get to know you. "People will forget what you said, what you did, what you were wearing...they will never forget how you made them feel." We are fighting a global, invisible, deadly  enemy...each should have a 'Greater Power' at their table. Fate is what life gives you...destiny is what you do with it. So, my friends...thank you for coming into my life.  With Best Wishes, Jimmy O

Friday, November 20, 2020

Warm up More

Welcome our recent survey, we found most felt 'warm up' was a waste of time. Boring. served no purpose. With that attitude, rehab is next. Warm up is the 'wake up call.' Mental and physical. Warm up and cool down should be at least 1/2 the time of the work out. Indifference  toward your body is a sad way to look at yourself. Wake up! Give yourself a chance to become better. Next week... my annual Thanksgiving message. jimmy o

Monday, November 9, 2020


 Welcome everyone...most of us are familiar with rehab. Within this past year my released my PreHab design program. Scrutinized by several therapists before release. This program has application for injuries and certain diseases, ie heart, cancer and others. Treatment prior to surgery or other proceedures suspect areas. The mental recovery is critical. Lets address sports, workout injuries. We tend to try and cover up our soreness areas. Be careful with that. Your body is telling you something. With minor soreness...acute pain I recommend Arnicare cream. For chronic soreness...Wintergreen liquid. more next writing. Jimmy O

Monday, November 2, 2020

UP a Notch

Welcome everyone...let's take it up a notch. 1) get a rubber ball and throw it against a flat surface at an angle so you have to sprint to get it...hands behind your back until you have taken 3 steps (not strides) after 3 steps, reach for the ball. 10 sets. MOVE your feet. 2) On a flat surface, your hands and toes on the ground, stay in place and now move your Five sets, 30 sec. each set. 3) standing on any movable object, rubber or waffle board, and one person to your left and right at an angle 3/4 yards from you, each person, one at a time, throws the soccer ball to you. You must look straight ahead. This drill will enhance your focus and peripheral vision. Drill for 2 min. straight. Jimmy O

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Your Left/your right

 Welcome everyone...This drill is called switch up. Regaining lost balance. Balance is the CORE of all skill sets...all sports. Start with "hop scottish." One of the first games we learned to play as a youngster. If you are a rightie, switch to the opposite foot. 5 sets. 2) kick the can, 10 sets. 3) Kick a soccer ball against a wall...5 sets. 4) get a rubber ball and throw against a wall. 10 sets. Throw 5 under hand and 5 over hand. 5) Dribble a basketball...5 sets for 1 min. each. Set aside 2 days a week, an hour each for these drills. You will notice positive results after the 3rd time. Apply the "switch" to all sports...back and forth. Jimmy O

Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Welcome everyone...if you are faint of heart...sign out. Get a stop watch. Let's get started...after your 20 min. warmup, grab the jump rope and go for one min. Rest for 30 sec. Five sets. Next, sprint for 10M forward and backward...5 sets no rest period. next, go to a an in climb and sprint backwards up hill and forward down hill. 5 sets no rest. Next, get a 8-10 lb. med. ball, squat and thrust upwards and while holding ball reach above head as far as you can reach. 10 sets, no rest. next, Kangaroo hop 10M, arms chest high. 10 sets. Rest 2 min. Slow jog 400M. Way to go. JimmyO

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Start Your Engines!

Welcome everyone...starting something...the beginning...toughest step. More people fail before they even started. What a shame. If you are going to climb a mountain, you look up at the peak...that's the your goal. You stop looking up...look down and take that begin the journey. You and your goal are now united. Take ownership...control. Fate is what life gives you...destiny is what you do with it. There more to drills, workouts, running and the weight room. There is the purpose in life. The mental guides you...the physical drives. Get behind the wheel of your life. Jimmy O 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Welcome everyone...Seasonal Changes...the temp and weather aren't the only changes that affect us. Four changes on everyone's one. Most of us also experience  "downer" low point and yes  even depression. And yes, even excuses. Our mental attitude needs a booster. You may have physical difficulties. Write down your workout schedule and stick to it. There are 100's of mind games on line. Pick out a few and make it a regular daily habit. Stay away from negative conversation...this should be a daily habit. The negative of any sort is a "weight." You can't allow yourself to be "weighted down." Climbing out of that a long and rocky hill to climb. Don't go there. We face the challenge of Covid 19, seasonal change, staying healthy. A healthy YOU is a great and best way to tackle that challenge. See you at the finish line...where winners, survivors and grinders always meet. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Endurance Building

 Welcome everyone...for anyone needing to run/sprint, "running out of gas" is the worst. This is for anyone needing a close. How to maintain oxygen level This is a 400M. Inhale and exhale slowly, slowly. #/4 speed for first 300 M. then bust it last 100 M. You must learn to exhale slowly. You are building oxygen level. the start this drill will take you out of your rythem for the first 2/3 times...but then you feel the difference. If you keep doing the same, your time will stay the same. Do 3 sets with a 1 min rest between. Then jumping jacks or jumping up bringing your knees up to your waist. Either 30 of each. 5 sets. Finish w/a slow jog 400M. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Beware of "BRAIN LULL"

Welcome everyone...during periods of personal, national or global is easy for one to fall into a "lull." This is followed by stress, depression and (can be) to worse. Get rid of negative thoughts. Separate yourself from negative people. Get well grounded again. Start high impact workouts. If you are a walker, jog for 10/15 sec. Alternate drills. Find a punching bag, put on gloves and bang away at that bag for 30 sec. Rest for 10 sec. do 5 sets. No bag, do shadow boxing w/wall and or mirror. Same routine as the bag. Get after it. Everything double time. A 30 min. high impact workout. 5 straight days. No stress! Warm up and cool down...5 min. each. Leave that dumpster behind. See you at the finish line..."where winners and survivors always meet." 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

IT's about time

yes, about time...welcome everyone. Some of life is about time, numbers, the unknown. Lets reach into the unknown. Fear...afraid to expose your weakness. Something we all have. Work your least to yourself. Fear is a debt you're paying on that you don't have. When you claim and over come your fear, you have arrived.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Internet should be restored in 3/4 days

Sorry for the inconvenience. jimmy o

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Soul Time

Welcome is critical for everyone to pause examine the "internal." The who am I. This is what I have is about Time, Distance, Numbers, Connections, Evolvong, interruptions, Beginnings, Learning. Time travels in one direction. We rush through life as though we will never die. When we are young, we want to be older and when we are old we wish we were young again. And we die as though we have never lived. Self imposed obstacles need to be moved by each of us. They are...worry, change, indesision, indifference, fear, manipulation/cosrsion, unethical and we stop learning..."now I'v got my degree, I can stop learning." Mark Twain said this."worry is like paying a debt we don't have." Carl Rogers renowned professor, educator, said this "I became a great educator when I became an excited learner." We must think with Purpose. To get there start here..."when you change the way you look at things, you change the way things look...the things you look at, change. Creativity stops when we rely on muscle memory." People will forget what you said, what you did, what you were wearing...they will never forget how you made them feel. Jimmy O

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Beating the Odds

Welcome everyone...with Covid 19 seemingly absorbing our space, it is time to exercise our mental toughness. There will always be "an enemy." You cannot allow the enemy to be you. Now three days a week, I walk a mile, then do stretching for 30 min. Not just my ordinary routine stretching. Begin with head and neck, then arms and shoulders. Walk a mile, then chest, waist and hips. Walk a mile, then, legs, feet and toes. Then a slow jog for about 400m. and finish w/ a walk. Throughout this exercise I think/meditate on driving all the infirmities out of my body through my feet. Rewards...clear your mind, refresh your body, feeling lighter and ease of movement.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sand Man/Woman

Welcome everyone...time to go to the beach. Running and sprinting on sand. Not in a straight line when sprinting. A lot of cutting, stopping, start up...and backward for both sprints and running. 10 minute intervals. In between...standing w/feet about 6-8 inches apart, start with rt. leg, lock your knee and raise leg straight up, waist high, now move leg left of body as far as you back to right as far as you can, 5x each direction. Same with left leg. 5 sets. Quads will get a real work out as will your abs. Once a week. Your reward...greater full body balance, quickness, acceleration , power and mental alertness. At least a 30 min. cool down.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Welcome everyone...we readily exhibit our strengths..."disguise" our "cover up" we over compensate our game. Take tennis as an example...player has a poor backhand and  hide's it by playing 90% of his/her game w/fore arm. Circles ball to be in position to hit forearm. Every athlete, fitness person or walker has a weakness. STOP the cover up. Break down the swing into parts and begin to "rebuild" the swing. Competition won't let you get away with "circling " the ball. Apply that science to any sport or athletic workout or training session. More often than not...the weakness  becomes the strong suit. There is a solution to every problem. Denial gets you no where.

Monday, July 13, 2020

"Blind Spot"

Welcome everyone...right along w/muscle memory is your blind spot. Most all people experience a blind spot...and more than just once...and not just when driving a car. Your every day routine should include "brain stimulus." Card games, puzzles, reading, puzzles. Blind spot notice...when we get lazy, indifference, stubborn...that's when we activate the blind spot. Think of your driving habits. Ignoring muscle memory and/or your blind spot leads you to that intercession of "what the hell happened and now what." Rehab is a tough assignment.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Muscle Memory

Welcome everyone...muscle memory can be your worst enemy. W/out thinking your doing a drill, making a play, thinking about one thing and find yourself doing the opposite...yup, can't remember doing something. Doesn't have to be related to training or playing a sport. Did you lock the door, where are the car keys? Oh, oh...BAD. All of the above locks in our "lazy attitude." Living in an "outer world." Not good. Muscle memory can dominate brain power. We need to stimulate Muscle Confusion...and not just in working out or competing. Change your routine, time of day start time, set up new program w/interchangeable parts...having to think before you act. You are only as strong as your weakest link.

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Welcome everyone...perhaps leg drills can be divided into three categories...push, pull, jump. One more...weighted running. Let's work on the later. Warm up by skipping at a fast pace for 30 yds. Return by running backwards. Five sets. Now strap a 2 lb. wt. on leg above your knee. Run half speed for 50 yds. and walk back. 5 sets. As you gain strength, you may add weights and distance and of course speed. not over do it on the wts. You don't want to change you natural want to enhance it. One more in this drill...down on all 4s, hands and toes touching ground, now move those legs with knees almost touching your chest and go fast for 30 sec. 5 sets. Wts. above the knees. Breathe! After these drills, take a bath in Epsom salts...or at least soak your feet in Epsom salts. You will see results after 4 work outs.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Arms UP

Welcome's in the arms. The faster you move your arms, the faster your legs will go. So, whether you are a sprinter or distance runner you need the arms drill. Start with a 1-2 lb. weight on each wrist. Running formation, elbows bent...start running, moving those arms as you would normally. Start with the 100m. Half speed for first 50m and then full speed for 50m. Drill 3x a week. 2nd week, same weights  and this time, weights just above the elbow. At any track meet, you will hear people yelling "PULL."
Translation...move your arms. Drill...3x each week. Increase weights according to your own comfort and work your way up 400m. 5 sets, each drill. Results after 2 weeks. Next writing, legs.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Welcome everyone...if we learned anything over the past three has to be patience. Patience is a key ingredient in the competitive arena and the world of fitness. That ingredient gets lost in the billions of words taking up all the "word space." Adjustments and evolving needs to be given a deserving "space" in our attentive matters. Over the next few weeks we will be talking about "behavior linkage" in our fitness/training...getting more done in less time...quality time. For your mental training ahead or behind the physical aspect. If you are starting any particular day with the thought..."I don't really want to do this." Or "I'm not ready." I have dealt with a few days like that. If you are hesitant, you are not ready. And if not now, when. See you next writing.  

Monday, May 25, 2020


Welcome old are what you eat. I teamed up with several research teams and this is what we found, Stay away from ALL packaged meats and meat substitutes. Damning. Also, some grains...bulgur, oatmeal, couscour, quinoa, barley, millet, brown. I know, I was mislead also. No matter your status re
training...lets stay with research. Don't undermine our health. Honor to the men and women who lost their lives and those are serving now...let us not forget their families. Jimmy O

Monday, May 18, 2020

Pre Hab

Welcome everyone...most of you are familiar with rehab...Prehab is a new word and treatment for both injury and illness. I began designing this  over two years ago. The beginning  really began over 10 years ago when a local hospital retained my services in treating heart patients. Soon 2/3 medical facilities will install this program in the treatment of patients prior to surgery. Introducing patients to fitness treatments prior to the surgery...getting the mental and physical accustomed to certain "structured" exercises. In my mind, the program is critical for a full and complete recovery. The structured "Prehab" is also a "bridge" from patient's discharge to at home recovery. One other note...I overheard some athlete's arguing over amount of time training vs. competing. "It isn't fair." Comment..."when and what is sufficient time training?" In track and field, I'm a sprinter, 50m., 100m,. 200m., add long jump and high jump. Time training...37,440 min., 624 hours in a year's time. I have 14 sec. in the 100m to prove myself, 32 sec. in the 200m., and 7 sec., in the 50m.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Welcome everyone...the adult body pumps 7,500 liters (1,500-2,000) gallons of blood daily. An adult contains about five qts. of blood and continually circulates throughout the body. Average heart beats 72x per min. called heart rate. I realize you already know this but, it's a good reminder. Adequate blood flow heals. That's one of the  reasons one should move those muscles...a warm up is critical. A friend of mine, a physical therapist, says "you should work up a sweat in your warm up." In rehab, even when applying cold packs, slowly work the muscles for blood flow and healing faster. Lite stretching. For us sprinters, popping a ham string comes with the territory. Through warm up is a good preventative. We need to value our health...let's not take it for granted.   

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Welcome everyone...There comes a time in everyone's life that you are faced with a "life defining moment." You either cave or face it...accept the challenge and overcome it. Covid 19 presents such a challenge. So, to all of you...and in particular our youth...2020 graduates, accept your diplomas...emboss on the face with the words, "defeated Novid 19." Your defining moment, your trademark...your reference for who you are and what you stand for. This is your life...thank you.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Breaking News

Welcome everyone...on April 22 more followers clicked on my blog than in any day the previous 17 years. My deepest thanks to each of you. And now...a high impact drill. Pick any 3 drills (my 3) jumping rope, running stairs, pushing a 2x4 on grass or gym floor. 45 min. total workout. First two, 1 min. first set. 2 min. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th sets. A 45 sec. rest between sets. Cool down 15 min. The following day go for a slow walk (a woods or a body of water). You want calm. Find out who you are. Meditate. This is more about you and your spirit. www.secondwindfitnessfilm.calm.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Thank You

Welcome everyone...on April 11, I posted my last blog and stressed deep breathing and meditation. Then on April 14, the medical profession stressed the very same thing. Then on April 15,16, 17 my web exploded w/emails from you. Even though the medical profession is a long standing client of mine, I doubt I had anything to do with the publication. Let's keep filling our lungs with fresh oxygen with deep breathing...slowly. I appreciate all of you.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lung capacity

Welcome everyone...last week's writing received an overwhelming positive response...thank you. Step outside and take deep breathes. Hands open chest you separate hands take a deep breath and hold for 3 seconds and slowly exhale. 10x. slow in and out is the key. Fill your lungs with max fresh air. Next, jumping min. rest 30 sec. 10x. Move that old work out equipment outside. Work it. This is all about keeping your sanity and positive mental attitude. You do want to keep yours...right? Now meditate for 2-3 min. Next, look at yourself in the you like what  you see? Thought so.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Bet yyou can't

Welcome shut ins...drills I'm doing in front of a mirror. 1) shadow boxing. One min., 3 sets. Rest for 30 sec. Then two min. 5 sets. Rest 30 sec. between sets. Better if you have a punching bag. 2)Dribble soccer ball against a wall, one hand then the other. Two min., rest 30 sec. 5 sets. 3) Now dribble tennis ball against a wall. Same routine as soccer ball. 4) Bet you can' any ball between your feet (standing position), squeeze ball, jump and release and catch the ball. Do 10 x. Results...quickness, focus, endurance, mental toughness.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

IDLING Body? Watch it

Welcome everyone...during these times, where your health and safety is critical...stop eating and keep moving. I am getting calls and e mails from tons of people are in a panic over gaining weight. In activity, stress, worry, sitting around, booze can cause eating disorders and you hunger for strange foods. Don't fall prey to weakness...discipline is your "savior." Snacking all day will give you a 'bulge,' otherwise known as a beer belly. Review my past writings. Next writing...things I'm doing to stay active and healthy.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

High Wire Drill/Get 6 Pak

Welcome, you insist on doing sit ups/crunches? O K! You got it. Hanging upside down by your ankles on a secure frame, hands hanging overhead, come up slowly and touch your toes w/fingers and hold for 20 seconds. 10 to each set, do 3 sets to start program. After two weeks (2x per week) do 5 sets. Hanging in a "set position" for 20-30 sec. is the key. Come up half way so fingers are at your toes and hold for 20 sec. One set 10x. Do 10 sets. I'll be back next week to check up on you. You got your wish.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

#belly reducer

Welcome everyone...follow up to last session (2). Getting rid of a 5-10 lb. wt. in each hand, stand with feet about 8-10 inches apart, hold weights about 6-8 inches from legs and swivel in each direction as far as possible. Do no move hips, move only from waist up...and twist. When you get as far as you can in one direction...snap to other direction. Do for 60 sec., rest for 30 sec. 10 sets. Now do 10 sets while moving hips. Increase weights at will. You can also do this with broom handle or any object by placing arms against body, bend elbows and slide handle inside of elbows and twist as in other drill. If possible, do in front of mirror. Twist/snap are keys. Next writing "high wire drill."

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Record Breaker

Welcome everyone...for the past 15 years I have designed and published three blogs a week. Besides this one, I publish a business and sales/marketing blog. Last week's blog, 'Full Body,' garnered  the most 'clicks' for any of the three blogs ever. To my long time loyal  and new readers...thank you. So, let's get started and let's work on that belly. My opinion...sit ups and crunches are over rated...just rolls that ugly fat. 1) on an incline (upper body lower0, hands to your sides or on your chest and raise upper body 3/5 inches and hold for 30 sec., rest for 15 sec. Do 5/10 sets every other day. You tighten those stomach muscles rather than rolling the fat around. You want to feel a burn. 2) on your back, flat surface, legs straight, soccer ball in hands and hands straight above your forehead and raise up to sitting position, keeping legs straight. When coming up DO NOT lower soccer ball lower than forehead. 10 x equals one set. Do five sets. Do every other day. Measure waist prior to starting this program, and then after session. You will feel results after one session and see results after three sessions Next writing, two more.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Welcome everyone...resistance training is one of the best full body workouts one can do. Here it is...1) 2x4 wrapped in a piece of carpet (so it slides on grass or floor). Push it 10 yds. 5 sets. Starting off, try 5 yds. 2) sled...push and or pull. 10 yds. 5 sets. 3) you gain speed chute opens. 40 yds. 5 sets. 4), truck, tractor. Wear pull strap chest high. 10-20 yds. 5 sets. 5) bungee end waist high...and or legs and arms. Most of these drill makes you bend your body with a slight bend forward. All of these drills can be done indoors or out. Jimmy O

Saturday, February 15, 2020

#Balance (7)

Welcome everyone...this the last installment in this series. Received a great response to this series. Tae Kwon do is the finishing touch. This one Martial Art ties it all together. Mind set, brain signals to select muscles, balance, focus, posture, technique. Discipline in functional body movement. 30 min. stretching as warm up for this 30 min. drill. Go...jump and land with one leg 2-3 feet in front of the other. Keep going for 10 yds. Now backwards for 5 yds. Now glide each foot forward (keeping glide foot on floor.) At same time punch with glide. Right foot glide, right hand punch. 5 sets. Starting position...feet 6-8 inches apart, elbows bent and fists waist high, palms up with fists against your body. Drill...left front snap kick, then right foot. Left, right side kick, left right back kick. Blocks...slide left foot few inches forward and raise left arm above head, elbow bent. .then right. Side block, elbow bent, fist shoulder height, left right. Low block...move left foot forward few inches, knee bent, left fist block with fist ending in front of knee. Alternate. You got it!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Welcome everyone...after warm up, grab a jump rope and start a slow jog jump roping. 10 yds. 5 sets. In a large basketball ct. or track, face the opposite way you are going to be sprinting. Bend your knees slightly and toss the soccer ball back overhead. ball should travel at least 5 yds. before 1st bounce. Catch ball on 1st or 2nd. bounce. You turn and sprint in direction of the ball as soon as you throw it. Alternating pivot L @ R. 10 x. Hop Scotch w/a flat stone. 10x . On the balls of your feet. Once you develop your "fast twitch" you will realize a new you.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Balance (5)

Welcome everyone...balance requires technique, posture, discipline. 1) standing next to chair or other fixed object, feet about 3/4 inches apart, rise up on toes, 10 X. 2) close one eye and same drill. 3) same drill w/both eyes closed. 4) on balls of feet, both eyes closed turn full circle on way and then the opposite way, 3x. 5) place a book on top of your head, no holding the book, walk forward 10 yds., then backwards 5 yds. 3x. 6) when ever you can walk around in your stocking feet. Shoes are restrictive. This drill will allow your feet get  "to normal." 7) when sitting, have a tennis or soccer ball close by and place under one foot at  time and rotate in 4 directions...slowly. Will stimulate the nerve endings. Great relaxer.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Game On (Balance) 4

Welcome everyone...balance is the key After 30 min. warm up...expect greater endurance, greater mental capacity, alertness and discipline in whatever you attempt. Your skill level will raise. On the balls of your feet for most of these drills. Most of your nerve endings are in your feet. Most of your balance is derived from the inner ear. Today's drills...1) standing in one spot, jump, bringing your knees up waist high, holding hands waist high. Do 30 in 15 sec. 3 sets. Landing on the balls of your feet, you will bounce faster and higher. 2) Balance trainer ball...flat on one side. Start with 2 feet on ball facing a corner wall (if you don't have a work out partner) throw a soccer ball at the corner wall. Catch the return. Repeat10X. Now 1 foot and same drill. 3) Kick ball...stand within 10 feet from wall, kick for 60 sec. Now move within 5 feet of wall and kick for 2 min. Cool down.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Game On (3) balance

Welcome everyone...and let's go. All of these drills are mix and pic. After warm as many drills as you can on the balls of your ft. 1) cross over walk forward and backward 10 yds. 5 yds. each way. 2) Ankle drill...rotate from side to side, 30 sec. Switch feet. 5X each ankle. 99% of the time, if you turn an ankle it will be to the outside. 3) leg at a time within a 4 ft. square in all 4 directions. 30 sec. each ft. 5 sets each. 4) Simulate downhill skiing. Distance and spread. 10 yds. 5) Two feet hop, 4 directions, 4 ft. square, 30 sec. 5 sets. 6) Two feet hops, 10 yds. hands chest high. 5 sets. By now you should feel a burn in your stomach. You are beginning to get a six pak. The higher you hold your arms, the tighter your stomach muscles. Beats sit ups/crunches. You want to tighten those muscles. Cool down.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Welcome everyone and let's get started...your expected results...quicker reaction and decision making, better focus, peripheral vision, self confidence, better skill set for any sport, brain mental toughness, BALANCE. Warm up...30 min. Work out 60 min. cool down 30 min. Balance program...3 X per wk. Warm up...light stretching of legs, feet, ankle rotation. Exercise ball or soccer ball, standing next to a wall w/feet 6-10 inches from wall, place ball in small of back, lean against ball and squat 10-12 inches. Slow. Do 10. Then slowly rotate side to side. Next, 10 yd. slow sprint forward and then backward. 10 X. Now sideways w/ leg cross over 10 yds. face opposite direction and same thing. 10 X. Now, ready for first drill. See you next writing.