Friday, June 10, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! The last two blogs, "Jimmyo's fix," was well received. Thanks to all of you. Let's talk about PEAK PERFORMANCE. I want to preface that with..."whatever advice or new things come into the market place today will probably be obsolete by tomorrow. Research is advancing at an awsome pace." Peak performance...alot is being said and written about peaking at the right time. I don't know if anyone really has a handle on that. Peaking at the right time is not (in my opinion) an exact science. Think of it as "time zones." And two clocks are running at the same time...your body clock and your mental clock. We pay more attention to the physical than we do the mental. We tend to watch our stopwatch too much. This is more prevelant with distance runners than sprinters. I'm a sprinter and any distance longer than 400M, I take a cab. Divide your training into three separate time frames...days, weeks or months. Each represents a time zone. As we move through each zone, measure what your body is telling you and how you feel your mental fitness is progressing. Yes, you can push (will) your way through the zones, but at what price? The price? Jet lag! We need to address our mental state of mind on a daily basis. If I am not sharp, crisp mentally, I can toss the stopwatch. Mental
fitness should be monitored daily. Did you ever think this...boy, I'm sure glad I made it through this workout. You were glad to get it over with. Those thoughts should be a warning sign, you are drained mentally. Physically, your body crossed the finish line...mentally, you never got started. First to the finish line is where winners always meet. Next week...all about seeds.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
Reference: the update is finished

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