Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hello and welcome asked for it. Better health with
safe supplements. Energy foods...eggs, almonds, walnuts, pecans.
Seeds from chia. Hemp and flax. Steelcut oatmeal. For increased
blood flow...ginger, celery, garlic, lavender, figs (dried), beans, lentil, organic chocolate, zinc and oysters.
Lower your body temp.; bucket of ice water with SPIRITS of
amonia. Opens pores and cools blood. Purchase spirits of
amonia at your local pharmacy.
Over the past 10 years, I have asked competitive athletes and
people in fitness programs, two questions..."do you use supplements?" And "do they work?" The responses I get are
"Yes I use one or more supplements, but I really don't know if
supplements work for me." Supplements are a multi Billion dollar
a year business, and growing. The old saying..."listen to your body," becomes very difficult when we flood our body with
disguises. Think about's your body...get to know it.

Have a meaningful life everyone...JimmyO

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