Sunday, February 9, 2014


Hello and welcome everyone...over the past few blogs we have addressed the importance of mental
toughness and how to attain that critical status. The number one question that I get is, "how do I set
goals?" My response, "break it down into it's smallest parts." Picture yourself standing at the foot of
a Mt. Everest. When you look up, wow, too much, too high, too big. Look at any Mt. Everest and take it one foot at a time. Bringing that thought into our arena of training/fitness...set daily goals. Your routine will become more meaningful and rewarding. You climb your Mt Everest "one foot at
a time." Sochi...think of how many steps these Olympians took to get there. Doubt changes to when
and yes I can...I will. Each workout is a win. Need more? Google Kyle Maynard.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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