Sunday, May 18, 2014

ATP (recap)

 Hello and welcome everyone...let's make this simple. Muscles run on ATP, and we have three ways of making ATP.
1) The aerobic system...A) makes lots of ATP slowly. B) Burns fat
and sugar to make ATP. C) Is oxygen dependent. D) Gives endless
energy. 2) The lactate system...A) Makes less ATP but does it fast.
B) Burns only sugar to make ATP. C) Requires no oxygen. D) Yields up to seven minutes of energy. 3) The creatine-phosphate
system. A) Makes small amounts of ATP super fast. B) ATP comes
from stored ATP and creatine-p inside muscle. C) Does not need
oxygen, fat or sugar to function. D) Lasts ten seconds. Understanding the three systems will allow you to design an effective training program. It will help you understand when and
what to eat. It gives you the basis for selecting the right length and
intensity of your workouts.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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