Thursday, January 26, 2017


Welcome everyone...most of us demand more endurance in our workouts and competitive events. Well, try this...Wheat Grass! Liquid if you can get it, if not then capsules. Wheat Grass is high in
chlorophyll which produces oxygen. More oxygen into the blood
stream. I also use ginger root and garlic...all natural.  My new workout...SNAPIT. Fast, quick and exhausting for best results. All
drills, 30 sec. each. Select seven/eight drills. Total workout time, 60 minutes. My selection...jump rope, cone drill, jumping jacks, push ups, stairs, push the 2x4, 8 lb. wt. squat and jump holding wt. over head, skip forward and backward. Rotate and repeat.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Hello everyone...I'm back home after a 31 day speaking tour. Feels great and I'm fired up. I will respond to your emails today. The subject of my speeches..."life is about Time, distance, numbers, connections and Evolving. The CEO'S and upper management struggled with evolving. We cannot continue to follow change...we need to introduce change and challenge to ourselves and as a leader. I have interviewed pre grade school, grade school, college students and business personnel and those were failing or thought they were failing...were bored. They were not CHALLENGED. Students today are "smarter" than their teachers. No knock on teachers. We are teaching and managing with the "box" attitude. If you fit, you will do just fine and if you don't you will be bent up. Life does not offer a dress rehearsal. Challenge and continual and relentless search for thee UNKOWN. Stay away from "now what."