Sunday, May 12, 2019

Gravity Pull

Welcome everyone and let's get started. The weight room or sweat shop. History of weights is truly historic. Irons, concrete, tractor tires, logs, cars. Wow! Let's break it down, shoulders, chest, back, arms, legs, neck. Schedule, flow, technical, comfort level. Increasing weights is less important than doing it right. Stay away from that that 5 letter word...I-n-j-u-r-y. When working legs, work each leg separately on most drills. You want the same power in each leg. continue drills until the end...finish. Start and stop drills are a curse. Leave the cell phone locked in your car. Keep business and social separate. Work out in front of a mirror and pay attention to your technique. Ask the guys who are missing about that. Don't drop those weights, set them down and we don't care about your grunting. This is business, not a reality show.

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