Saturday, June 8, 2019


Welcome and let's go...I have shared the word Impact with 1000's of men and women seminars, classes and motivational speeches. Most of us get into a 'funk' and get bored with life itself. I is for image, self image. The image of who you are is your basis. Can you define yourself? If you can't describe who you are...start. M is for maturity. That's the evolving, learning process in life. Stop complicating your life. P is for purpose in's more than writing down your goals and taping them to the frig door. Visualize where you want to be, what you want to be doing and then act and behave as though where already there. A is for attitude...always a positive mind frame. Not allowing the negative to block your vision. Never waste time on trivial stuff. C is for courage. The practice of high ethical standards. That's your leverage. Courage to defend your beliefs. T is for touch, the human touch. Develop a sensitivity for people. all our relationships, water the flower before it dies. The impact that you make in life is in direct proportion  to your own self image. Jimmy O

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