Thursday, August 20, 2020

Soul Time

Welcome is critical for everyone to pause examine the "internal." The who am I. This is what I have is about Time, Distance, Numbers, Connections, Evolvong, interruptions, Beginnings, Learning. Time travels in one direction. We rush through life as though we will never die. When we are young, we want to be older and when we are old we wish we were young again. And we die as though we have never lived. Self imposed obstacles need to be moved by each of us. They are...worry, change, indesision, indifference, fear, manipulation/cosrsion, unethical and we stop learning..."now I'v got my degree, I can stop learning." Mark Twain said this."worry is like paying a debt we don't have." Carl Rogers renowned professor, educator, said this "I became a great educator when I became an excited learner." We must think with Purpose. To get there start here..."when you change the way you look at things, you change the way things look...the things you look at, change. Creativity stops when we rely on muscle memory." People will forget what you said, what you did, what you were wearing...they will never forget how you made them feel. Jimmy O

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