Sunday, January 27, 2008

fitness challenge, senior fitness, fitness trainer alert

Hello everyone! This message is directed to senior citizens (age 50 and over) and fitness/personal trainers working with that age group. After observing and working with seniors over the past 5 years I feel confident in sharing my opinion with you. Oh, I am in that age group.

Trainers....We don't want to be treated as though we are just visiting the human race and not actually a part of it. In assessing our physical fitness, it is equally important to assess our mental fitness. All of us want to get the most out of our sessions. We want to be challenged...we need more than just a treadmill for 20 minutes. Balance, coordination, hand and foot exercises, range of motion, perception and stamina are important. Some of us even need to practice going up and down a step ladder, reaching and bending. Weight training and conditioning exercises are critical. Many of us live alone, so encouraging family members or a friend to join in some of the sessions (a support group) would be wonderful. The support creates a "greater dynamic" to the process of wellness. Some trainers may already be aware of this, but may not be utilizing the aforementioned to the fullness. open and voice your feelings in your assessment prior to starting the fitness process. You know your body and how you feel better than anyone. Fitness training is not a one day is a lifetime process. No matter what age you are, you can get better and be a better person. Physical fitness begins in the mind. We need to be challenged! Leave "pity" for another time. Stop feeling sorry for something positive for yourself before its too late. People have long admired our generation. Now it is up to us to attain yet on more goal...a FIT generation.

Have a great life everyone! JIMMY O

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