Monday, March 17, 2008


Hello and Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!
I am appalled at the amount of money being spent on fitness equipment as opposed to fitness. Would you buy a 50,000.00 car without knowing how to drive? Park it and then cover it? Yet that is exactly what many are doing today. Thousands and thousands being spent on equipment and not being used. Many of us just want to be "trendy". Oh, don't forget the fitness room we built to house that equipment. Basically, most of us did not know how to use the equipment or we just lost interest. Today I will share with you my thoughts on investing less than 30.00 dollars...."the portable gym." Greater value, results in less the time, and fun. Reminder...we tend to do things that are fun to do. There is a child in each of us...if only more of us could find that child. THE PORTABLE GYM...1) a folding chair 2) exercise stretch band 3) exercise ball. That's it? That's it folks!!! Everyone should have a simple folding chair. The ball...a 75cm or 85cm. Exercise stretch band. All stretch bands will be color coded. Color denoting the amount of resistance. Caution...each manufacturer uses a different color (so it seems) for resistance. Most people start with a low to medium resistant band. Next blog...HOW TO USE.



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