Sunday, June 6, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! If it's's blogger time. Ready? Let's go! Throughout my
sports life I have had a history of pulling my left hamstring and last year also pulled my left
groin. My left hamstring is a little tender right now; so I am toning down my training for this next week. Longer warmup and cool down. Less plyo and iso...more foot work for quickness.
Cutting back on strength conditioning in the weight room. Will sprint barefoot on grass, speed
drills via speed bursts. Will continue with two hours of tennis on Mon. and Wed. nights and
pickleball on Tues. and Thur. afternoons. This is in addition to my two hour morning workouts.
When you read this you might be thinking, "well, you are not cutting back." Yes I am cutting back on the high impact drills and "bunker hill." Sprinting uphill, forward and backward. I will
also concentrate more on proper breathing. Training, working out and competing and conducting fitness classes is my life. By the way, by Labor Day, I will have designed a new
fitness program. This past week I shared an outline of the program with a university and a
local hospital. The program was greeted with WOW! More on this in August.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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