Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! Have a great and safe Memorial Day! For many of us this day on
the calander is "crunch time day." On the horizon...the Senior Olympics, Senior Games, the
Masters and this year is the qualifying year for the Nationals and World Championships for
track and field. It doesn't get any bigger than this...from the local "stage" to the national and
world "stage." Now mental toughness not only comes into displayed for all to see. You
either embrace the moment or shrink away. Injuries and "the wall" play a role when it comes
to mental toughness. A help in avoiding injuries...proper warm up, designed to complement
your event(s). Longer warm up time. Double the amount of water you drink. Remember, in hot,
muggy weather you can loose as much as 30% of your muscle power. Your cool down should be
at least 20 minutes. The wall...most of us have experienced "hitting" the wall. We create our
own wall for the most part. When you train with numbers and sets and are glued to a stopwatch,
we develope" muscle and brain memory." Change your workout pattern daily. ON DEMAND
is what you want your body to respond to. Don't become robotic. First to the Finish Line...
where winners and survivors always meet.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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