Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! As promised...a recap from last Saturday's State games. An
estimated 3500 athletes participated in various events. My events in track and field were the
50M, 100M, 200M, HJ and LJ. I was fortunate to win gold in all events. I started at 12:00 noon
and finished at 5:15PM. It was 97 degrees on the track. People were complaining that their feet
were burning up. My last two events were the HJ and the 100M. I could hardly get off the ground for the HJ. When i crossed the finish line for the 100M, I collapsed. When I opened my
eyes, a a guy from one of the local newspapers was taking my picture. I was laying on my "good
side." Physically and mentally I was exhausted. It was the MENTAL TOUGHNESS that got me
through the day. I found myself giving me a pep talk just prior to the race. I have talked about
the "mental part of the game" many times before. Saturday it paid off for me. Next up the
Senior Olympics, and the the Senior Games. Three meets in six weeks.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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