Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hello and welcome everyone...your comments and questions to the
(3) blogs of 2X4 has been overwhelming. Thank you. Several of you asked about "what is my most difficult exercise." Well it's
the wall walk. Standing with my back to the wall, about 18 inches
from the wall, extend arms overhead and reach back and touch
wall with fingers and walk fingers down to the floor with head
touching floor. Then walk fingers up the wall until you reach starting  position. Do 5 sets with a one minute rest between each
set. I call this "the exercise from hell." Another one is hanging from
a bar upside down and do sit ups. I force my stomach pull to my body
up 'til my head is almost touching my feet. Do 5 sets, 10 each set.
That is a great ab workout. Challenge yourself.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone. JimmyO

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