Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wanna See More?!

Hello and welcome everyone...last week we delved into Imagery
Breaking the sound barrier was earth shattering. All of us are
confronted with barriers...most are self imposed. Pressure...usually
refers to the feelings an athlete has about performing in an event.
Pressure manifests itself physically, positive or negative and
emotionally. The "event" in and of itself contains zero pressure. The athlete creates the pressure. Successful athletes have learned how to build self confidence and stop self-doubt. Focus and re-focus on the task at hand. So much of life is made up of Time and
Distance. When we disrespect one or both we construct barriers
instead of allies. We need to develop an awareness of how precious
every second is. A few months back I started the following..waking
up at 4am. Five minutes of meditation. Five minutes of visualizing
what I have written down on a 3x5 card. Visualizing myself
performing the written drills (distance) and looking at my mental
clock (time). I write down  what I have accomplished in my
visualization. Too many people mistake activity for accomplishment. Break barriers.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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