Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stop the Slide

Hello everyone...addressing questions I received this past week. "How do I stop a downward slide in performance? How do I
regain my self confidence? How do I correct bad habits?" Athletes
worry too much about what others think. Looking for social approval. That's a distraction. Wanting to be the "star." Wanting to be the headliner. Trying to be "cute." Allowing yourself to be caught up in these distractions, taking shortcuts leads to confusion
and leads to sloppy play and training. Go back to the basics. Work on no more than three things at a time. Focus on your strengths,
what you do well. Stay focused...stay the step at a time. Be patient. Each day study your notes and mediate on your
course of action. These things have worked for 1000's of athletes.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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