Monday, October 29, 2018

The Walk

Welcome everyone...take a walk...a healthy walk. Most walkers/joggers find a concrete path. In my dictionary, stay away from concrete and treadmills. Your knees, hips and ankles will sooner or later show the terrible results. Many doctors are directing
people of all ages to walk/run on a soft path, in woods, a beach or sand dunes, or a track. Some trainers are leading the way and running barefoot on blacktop. Every Sunday I walk for an hour. Uphill, downhill and flat. Before and after I invest 5 min. rotating my knees and hips and ankles...5 min. each. At home or my office, I walk around in my stocking feet...I put shoes on when company arrives. Shoes are restrictive. We need to activate the nerve endings in our feet.

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