Monday, April 22, 2019

Quickness/Speed/Endurance (part 2)

Welcome and let's get started...with the exception of 'muscle memory' all motion begins with the brain. Brain conditioning is a constant. Next, breathing. Practice deep breathing...fill your lungs and add oxygen (fuel). If you have a partner for some of these drills it works better. 1) bunny hop, 4 directional...partner moves hand and you move in that direction w/baby hops. 60 sec. 3 sets. 2) Kangaroo hops, not a leap. 4 directional. All on the balls of your feet. 3 sets, 60 sec each. Misdirection is key. 3)  Leaps, again 2 ft. at a time, balls of ft. Partner will yell stop, then start and so on. On the balls of your ft. 3 sets, 60 sec. ea. Two days later same drills with one difference...all on one ft. and alternate feet. Drills will produce quickness, speed, balance, endurance.

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