Monday, June 15, 2020

Arms UP

Welcome's in the arms. The faster you move your arms, the faster your legs will go. So, whether you are a sprinter or distance runner you need the arms drill. Start with a 1-2 lb. weight on each wrist. Running formation, elbows bent...start running, moving those arms as you would normally. Start with the 100m. Half speed for first 50m and then full speed for 50m. Drill 3x a week. 2nd week, same weights  and this time, weights just above the elbow. At any track meet, you will hear people yelling "PULL."
Translation...move your arms. Drill...3x each week. Increase weights according to your own comfort and work your way up 400m. 5 sets, each drill. Results after 2 weeks. Next writing, legs.

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