Sunday, November 21, 2021


Welcome friends, neighbors, readers and followers. Thank you for loyalties. 2021 marks the 20th year of my mailing a Thanksgiving favorite holiday since my age 4-5. No fancy wrapping paper with "what the h*&l is it? No gadgets, envy, politics...oh, the menu...friendship, love, hugs, laughs, memories and a prayer. And of course, turkey with all the trimmings. It's a day about sharing our feelings. You can't put feelings on a slide rule, in fractions or a score board. This special day is about "I like me best when I'm with you." See, a friend is someone who likes you even after they get to know you. People will forget what you said, what you did, or what you were wearing...but, they will never forget how you made them feel. So often, we never know the person we had an impact on or the person who had an impact on us. I value my roots...I remember when common sense was a generational "hand me down." So, come on in, we have plenty of room, even for strangers. Aaahaa, the menu offers plenty of  2nds and 3rds. Wishing all of you the very best Thanksgiving and a blessing from above. Jimmy O

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