Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hello and welcome everyone! Excitement is in the air. My focus is like a laser beam. My notepad is filled with the day by day exercises I need to do for each event. Each exercise has a purpose. Remember the old saying, "never mistake activity for accomplishment." Each day, before I step onto the track, I know exactly what I have to do. After all these years I still get butterflies when I step on the track and lace up my spikes.
Let's go back a little in time...healing my pulled hamstring was a mental strain on me. Each two hour training session now includes 30 minutes of stretching and warmup exercises. I also stretch during and after my workout. After each workout I iced both legs for 15 minutes each. I also used a" heating " method for both legs. I would apply castor oil on both legs. Then wrap a warm wet cloth around each leg. Then place the heating pad in a plastic bag and warp the pad around each leg and then warp a towel around the pad. One leg at a time for 30 minutes each. All I can say, it works. Now the mental aspect...I can consentrate fully on my training. I run each sprint as though I was in an event. My track exercises include sprinting 50m, 100m, 200m and 400m. Also, I do plyometrics for 30 minutes twice a week. The same for running up and down bleachers and sprinting uphill. As a sprinter, I want to develop "fast twitch" muscles. So, to sum up: 1) get organized 2) have a purpose, write down what you need to do 3) do it, get started 4) don't cheat on yourself 4) never, ever slack off. If you quit in training, you will quit or give up in the actual event. I believe this applies to any sport as well as life itself. Mental fitness, then physical fitness. FIRST TO THE FINISH LINE.

Have a great life everyone...Jimmy O

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