Sunday, September 7, 2008


HELLO AND WELCOME EVERYONE! WOW! It's great to be alive, fit and healthy. Today I will cover two subjects: 1) Senior Olympics (from a different perspective) 2) breaking down my workouts, (part 1)
1) Senior Olympic perspective. All Olympic competitors have their sights set on winning. I know I did. That has to be the mind set of any competitor. By now most of you know I dedicated the '08 Senior Olympics to cancer victims and survivors. I am a prostate cancer survivor. I believe that many of us have something that drives us besides being on the medal stand. For me, it was fighting for all of us against cancer. For me the Senior Olympics means more than appearing on the medal stand. I hope some day I can wear a medal that reads "cancer is dead." This year I am adding other worthy causes...the fight for the lonely (fight against depression), the homeless and the abused. So, whoever you are, fight for another day. Never, ever give up on yourself.
2) breaking down my workouts. Each month I draw up my game plan. I write down the exercises and drills I will emphasize for the month. Then I will highlight 3 drills I want to work on for each week. I may have 25-30 drills for the month. In addition, I have basic or anchor drills that I MUST DO in every workout through out the year.
Next week...breaking down this month and this week with the exact drills.


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