Saturday, January 31, 2009


HELLO AND WELCOME EVERYONE! First, an update regarding one of my fitness classes, "balance your life." Anyone following my blogs over the past six weeks knows that I refer to the women in my classes as the "miracle girls." Enrollment numbers are going through the roof. These senior women bring enthusiasm, a great attitude and fun. Seven classes in four different towns. It's alive! It's showtime! It's living the dream! So, to these women, thank you!
VIEWPOINT...mental fitness. Last week we started talking about the importance of the mental part of exercise and fitness. The "mental' is fundamental in anything worthwhile we do in life.
Doing the things we like to do requires little discipline. The things we need to do and don't want to do demands the practice of discipline. BEING MENTALLY ready to face the task at hand is
key. Athletes at any age and any level of competition for the most part, are about equal in
physical abitity. The difference...mental preparation. We either cultivate toughness or allow for
softness. In most cases, the challenge is not the competition, it is ourselves. Mental fitness
is the front wheel if the bicycle, it gets you to where you want to go. Physical fitness is the hind
wheel, it's the driving force to where you are going. Your mindset puts you in the winner's
circle or keeps you out. Winners always meet at the finish line!

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
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