Sunday, April 11, 2010

THE BIG 3!!!

Hello and welcome everyone! Hope you had a great week! Breathing, posture and technique...
words to train by and live by. Don't take these three words lightly. BREATHING...ten years ago,
when I started training for the Senior Olympics, I had to learn how to breathe correctly. Deeper
breathes were the order of the day. As we age we take more and shorter breathes. We have to
learn to take longer and fewer breathes. When we feel we lack endurance...the way we breathe
is a major part of the problem. POSTURE...walking, running, sprinting, jumping and yes, even
sitting, correct posture is paramount. Remember, most muscle and joint pain comes from
muscle imbalance. Walk around the house forward and backward in your stocking feet. It's like
a massage! TECHNIQUE...poor technique leads to inefficient workouts. Whether you are lifting
weights, walking or running, pay attention to your technique. Have someone watch and
critqiue you.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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