Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! As I prepare for the Senior Games to be held in two weeks, I am
convinced more than ever that "mental toughness" is the one ingredient that one must possess
in order to maintain the focus needed to compete. All of last week I didn't have that drive. This
week I was back where I "wanted to go after it." I feel great and ready to sprint for gold.

As promised in last week's blog...the designing of a new fitness program...the name
SEASALT AND PEPPER. Webster's cure or add zest and liveliness...
bring to life. That is exactly the scope of the program design. A 10 week program, participants
will be screened with their physician's statement. Participant's statement of needs to be addressed. The enactment of personalized instruction begins. Mental and physical needs are
addressed. Insurance forms are completed and submitted to their respective insurance
company for payment, less whatever deductible applied. I am in the process I having the
program certified and am working with national health institutions. This will be the most
comprehensive health prevention creation...long overdue. We have been held "captive" by
RX way too long. Pills have never cured anything...nothing more than a "cover up" in more
ways than one. I plan to introduce the program in October of this year. It is time to recognize
and acknowledge that "an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure." That is an
old saying and most of us have heard it for years.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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