Sunday, February 3, 2013

30 Days

Hello and welcome everyone...kinesiology is the study of muscles
and their movement. Body motion. When you can perform an
exercise one way, you can perform that exercise in three additional
ways (directions), in order to achieve the max out of just a single motion/exercise. Now, let's apply that to your particular sport. What motion(s) are required in your sport. Whether it's biking,
track and field, any ball sports...your warm up, your drills should
prepare you for your "sport exercise." Far too many athletes don't
compliment their sport with the selection of training. Sprinters need
to develope fast twitch muscle fiber, foot speed and arm motion...
just too mention a few. Why would a sprinter do a warm up by
jogging 800m or longer. Every warm up, every exercise must be
done for a specific purpose in mind. There must be over a million
different exercises to choose from. Select the few that are specific
to your sport...with multi directional motion. Exercise specific for
sport specific. We are measured by time and distance. For the next
30 exercise specific. You will soon realize the difference.

Have a meaningful everyone...JimmyO

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