Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter and welcome everyone...received great feedback regarding last week's blog. I share what I do in my workouts and
what I learn from other competitors and coaches. Follow up too
last week's blog, The Gap. This week...Two Minute Warning. Many
years ago my doctor told me that if I workout for 20 minutes, "it's
the last 2 minutes that really count." I never forgot that and I apply
that to my training. I will add, "it's the start and finish." The start,
begins "in your mind" long before you actually start your event. The 2 minute warning...2 minutes to go in your your
training...push it!!! You fight through fatigue and other adversities.
For every 30 minutes of working out, I include a 2 minute warning,
"the push." So, my 90 minute workout includes 3 two minute
segments. I program my brain. Also, in every event, when I have to
"kick" I whisper the word "now."  You can't eliminate hunger, pain,
thirst, fatigue or most any other RISE ABOVE IT.
The word "now" and the "2 minute warning" are a major part of
my mental training. Final thought, don't waste your time on the waste your energy. RISE ABOVE.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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