Sunday, March 3, 2013


Hello and welcome everyone...thank you for your questions and
comments. Let me address a few of your concerns...pain, pain relief and injury. In the world of sports, competing, training and
working out, our greatest fear is injury and pain. These fears not only affect our performance, but also our mindset. The culprit for
me...pulled hamstring and groin muscle. Through observation as
an athletic trainer and tons of research, I will summarize some of
my findings. Poor technique and a LACK of water, cologen and
hydration cause most of the problems relating injury, stress and
pain. Imbalance of muscle is the real culprit. I see poor technique
in the weight room, runners, sprinters, bikers and exercise routines.
Rehab is no fun. Read an article by Sue Hitzmann...she writes,
"daily repetitive movement and postures causes connective tissue
to dehydrate and over time stress and inflamation." Then we
encounter sleepless nights, anxiety, digestive issues and depression.
Not a pretty picture. Hope this helps.

Have a meaningful life everyone...JimmyO

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