Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hello and welcome promised, we will discuss "outer
limits"  and my defination of same. For me, reaching Our Outer
Limits is the attainment of a level of life...beyond our thinking. This includes the past, present and future.So many men and women
dictate their future by their past and present thought process. In fact
our "self " controls (holds hostage) our future. Most things in life
are measured by time, distance and self. Most people set various goals and and never attempt to achieve or follow through with their
throught process, thus becomes faulty. Setting goals is a two edged sword. Setting goals must always be the starting point...NOT the
ending point. Applying all of this to sports...use any time, distance
and "self" measurement you want...hit the reset button daily. Just
because I can reach a certain number today, does not mean that I
should not reach a higher number the next day. By not surpassing
yesterday's performance, we create our own roadblocks. We create
limitations which are self imposed...we are the enemy. No one said
it was going to be easy. I want you to experience that "life changing, life defining moment."At least once! Plunge into your next workout, without thinking about it. Feel the differance!

Have a meaningful life everyone...JimmyO

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