Saturday, July 27, 2013


Hello and welcome everyone...this is the third installment (of 8) in
addressing questions by readers of this blog. Reader's question:
what is a typical one hour work out for you? I have five, one hour
workouts with progressive variations. Base workout consists of
(after 15 min. warm up) 1) floor exercise. Various core, leg and back stretches...hold each stretch for about 10 sec. This is a 15 min.
exercise. 2) Plyo...begin with jumping onto boxes at various heights, starting at 12 inches and progressing to 40 inches. Five to
seven boxes spaced about 18 inches apart. Then jump over each box or stand,  except the 40 inch one. The KEY is the POP. As soon as your feet touch the floor, you pop up. Why? Develop your
"fast twitch muscle fiber." Then add a 10 Lb. wt. in each hand and
repeat same exercise. Over 30 days, build up to 25lb wt. in each hand. This drill is for 30 min. 3) last 15 min. Skip rope for 30 sec.
rest for 10 sec. This is a 3 min. drill. Next, take a 30 Lb kettlebell,
squat, both hands on kettlebell and jump up with the kbell above
your head. This a 5 min. drill. Finish with a 20 min. cool down.
Jog and light stretching. When I start my "basic training" I do this
routine three days a week for one month. Then I progress to the
next variation. Hope this helps. See you at the finish line!

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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