Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ultimate Workout (2)

Welcome everyone...first a health tip. Candida, a parasite, from the
yeast family...loves sugar. Consider using probiotics. You owe it to
yourself to study this. Ok, let's get started. We have all heard about
the "hurry up" offense in football from high school, college and NFL. Well, this is about a hurry up workout. From one drill to the
next...hurry, don't walk, run. Drills are based on seconds/minutes and a count time. Remember, in these first two sessions, we are
intent on developing fast twitch muscle fiber. Don't run flat footed.
UP on the balls of your feet. Quickness, foot work, speed, plyo and
iso and not slow or plodding. Add jump rope. Reps
are fast. Write down the drills you need to do for each session. Two
hour workouts max, includes warm up and cool down. Recover
with a glass of chocolate milk...yes, it works. Gotta run.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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