Sunday, March 2, 2014


Welcome to all of you...I have received many questions, requests and comments regarding motivation, "how to raise the bar," and "how to get better." Some of you have attended one or two of my motivational speeches. So, let's address that elusive intangible...motivation. Start at the beginning, who you are and what you are. Don't be a phony, don't fool yourself. Must have goals...daily, weekly, monthly, annually. Every night, while falling
asleep, I think about my training and sport I'm training for. I compete in seven different sports. Most everything in life is measured by time and distance. I change my routine often...from
eating time, workout time and training. This is key to my developing mental toughness. I always envision myself winning...
not if I can win. So, my training is about winning. Every workout
is my challenge. No phone, no radio. The one constant...aging. Father time is undefeated! The other constant...Self Image, who am
I and what am I all about. Next week, ultimate workout!
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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