Sunday, August 10, 2014


Hello and welcome last week's blog I promised a walk/drive down a path or side road. I take this walk/drive three or
four times a year. The day began with a 5 minute meditation. Then
I took a 20 minute drive to visit men and women with mental and
physical challenges. I conduct exercise classes for many of these men and women. Why? They motivate me. When I work with
them, I am in awe of how hard they try. They have no boundaries. No complaining. All they want is a chance to be all they can be.
From there I'm off to visit men and women of all ages who suffer
from cancer. I am a prostate cancer survivor. They look to me for is me searching for motivation. When you are
approached by someone who says..."I only have six weeks to live,"
those words will make you stop in your tracks. For a few moments
life becomes a feel faint. You get a different perspective
on life. I always ask myself this question, "why is it that people with less, find a way to give more." More than "perfect people."
Have a meaningful life everyone.

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