Sunday, August 31, 2014


Hello and welcome movie selection for the month,
100 Foot Journey and the Game Stands Tall. Question from readers
Sprint while holding  weights...with a 3/5 weight in each hand, sprint 30/40 meters...pump those arms! Now The Climb, one of my
favorite drills, once a week. Hill is 40m long with a 20m elevation.
Sprint five times. Then kangaroo hops for 10m, 5 times. Sprint 5
times backward for 10m. Sprint 5 times on one foot for 5m and then the other foot for 5m. With a 15 lb weight, squat hold weight
with both hands and spring upwards and reaching high over head,
5 times. Sprint down the hill 5 times. Next drill, holding a 3/5 lb
weight in each hand sprint up hill, pump those arms...5 times. You
can mix up the drills, doing one each all the way to 5. You will feel
discomfort in your chest. Stretch for 20 min. before and after drills.
You can't find a hill? Find a stadium with at least 50 steps. You can
do the same drills on stairs as well as the hill. Write down all drills
prior to workout and keep track.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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