Sunday, August 24, 2014


Hello and welcome begins my series on "ultimate
challenge." First, a comment on lemon and cucumber. Lemon: gives immune system a boost. High in potassium, aids in digestion,
cleanses your system, freshens your breath, curbs appetite, lose wt.
Cucumber: keeps you hydrated, fights heartburn, flushes out toxins, energy booster, fights cancer.
Ultimate Challenge...we start on level ground for first two weeks,
every other day. Place a 20 lb weight at starting point and 20 lb weight 10 meters apart. Pick up weight at starting point w/both hands on weight and holding out in front of you and sprint the 10
meters, set weight down and pick up the other weight and sprint
backwards to starting point. Set weight down and pick up two five
lb weights, one in each hand and sprint 30 meters, turn and sprint
back to starting point. Three sets. Laying flat on your back and use
a 10 lb weight, legs straight out, hold weight at least one foot above
stomach and drop weight on stomach 10x. Five sets. Now stretch
for at least 20 min. Next week...the hill climb.
Have a meaningful life everyone. Jimmy O

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