Sunday, May 31, 2015


Hello and welcome everyone...those of you who have followed me
for the past 10 years know I select a hero every week. This week,
Admiral McRaven, Navy Seal. Google him for his speech. OK, lets
go. For energy from around the globe...callaloo, chia fresca, congee, guarana, marmite, matcha green tea, muesli, plain popcorn,
and yerba mate. Injuries are a major problem for all of us...hammy,
quad, calf, shoulder and elbow. And in hot humid weather, most of
think we dot have to stretch. WRONG! Muscles shrink up to 30%
in that climate. Stretch and consume more water to maintain peak
performance. And in answer to many requests..."what's the best
home workout equipment?" I have set up 100's with this for under
40.00. Exercise ball, at least 75cm. 2) stretch band 3) foot sponge.
Next week I will spell out exercises for those three.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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