Monday, July 31, 2017


Welcome everyone...taking one's inventory, defining one's self is  a very difficult task. Most people shun away from that duty However, it is a cleansing of mind, body and soul. That task lifts you to a higher level. Perform this necessary task once a year. There should be a "center of gravity" in each of us. I do not believe in a status quo...only a statue stays the same. Fitness, training and competing at all levels requires long repetitive hours of belief in yourself. A multi billion dollar a year is bent on feeding us the "miracle pill." Another billion dollar a year business in equipment
is ready to throw machines at us. In my interviews with over 100's of men and women in all levels training and competition, I have asked this question..."have the supplements helped your performance?" Response, "I don't know." Over the next few weeks, my blogs will fully inform you of my eating habits and workouts and competition rituals. Start at the beginning...define where you are at. To get there, start 

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