Saturday, January 20, 2018

EVENT Training///6th in series of 13

Welcome back everyone...event training is and should be different than the off season. Whether your event is once a year, once a month or more...spacing and timing is crucial. What time a day is your event(s). Gear your training to that time. Reaching your peak
mentally and physically at the event is a must. Write down your drills with proper spacing and stick to it. Don't keep adding stuff. Don't over train. All your Grunt Work should have been done before your event training. Let's assume your event training begins 3/4 weeks before the event. Double your warm up and cool down time. Add 1/3 liquid intake. Keep your diet the same. The mental: picture in your mind what you are going to do and how you are going to do it...act as though you were already there.

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