Saturday, February 10, 2018

Line of Efficiency>>>9th in Series of 13

Hello and welcome everyone...efficiency is the critical standard in everything we do. Ever watch someone running a race and starts losing? They begin to flail like a fish out of water. Efficiency begins even before you start your training. It begins with your work habits, handling money, wasting food and being sloppy. It begins with your attitude. Your brain is key. Results expected and results achieved and you want that efficiency line to be at or close to results expected. Your brain sends desired act to desired muscles and your breathing controls oxygen level based on energy exertion.
Controlling and mastering those 3 "pilots" is your way to success in  training and competing. Breathing exercises should be an integral part of warm ups, drills and cool downs. All of us must have "on demand" times in training and events. Breath in and exhale slowly. Exercising that will increase your lung capacity. The
desired response to your "demand" takes practice and training. Even when you think you are out of "gas" you are not. When you feel that "rush" you don't even remember breathing or running out of gas. see you at the Finish Line.

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