Sunday, August 5, 2018

X Training (breaking it down)

Welcome everyone...there is an estimated well over 100,000 various exercises/drills. More than enough and yet we create more variations of basic drills. Performing functional balance drills is the starting is the necessary starter. Start with small discs (stepping discs) , placing 2 lines 2/3 feet apart and not across from each other. Step forward 1 foot at a time. Stepping distance should be varied one to three feet. Forces you to hop to reach some. Always landing on the balls of your feet...not flat footed. 5 sets. Now take an air filled (sponge like) round object that you can place 2 feet on. Place it about 3/5 feet from a wall and start by throwing a soccer or
tennis ball against the wall. 2 min. Same drill with a medicine ball or some heavy ball. 1 min. Those 3 drills will give your foot/leg balance and its a mind booster. More next writing. Jimmy O

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