Saturday, February 16, 2019

Have a Blueprint?

Welcome everyone and let's get better have a blueprint. You wouldn't build anything w/out a, why not your body. Start w/foundation...your feet. Sit or stand, include in your warm up or cool down. Place a ball and or soccer ball under your feet, one foot at a time and rotate each direction, forward and backward and side to side. Two sets 3 min. each set. Do not put all your weight on one foot if standing. 90% of our nerve endings are in the feet. Drill will stimulate your nerves and send positive signals to the brain. Your 'on demand' drills will react much faster.
Results will show up faster. Also sit on an exercise ball, at least 75cm. When sitting on ball knees should be level w/hips. You can do this drill when watching TV or at your desk. I now have 100's of office workers sitting on a ball vs. chair. Your balance will be 100% better.

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