Sunday, March 17, 2019

Finding Your Rythem

Welcome everyone and let's get started...some of the same measures we use in horses, we use in our training. In the animal world we also use "gait." We work with horse's gait in all performance drills...from race to jumping. We talk about 'hitting a wall' in all of our different events. There is more than one wall. Many experience a 'wall' in warm ups. Work through that first wall. Don't ignore it. Wake up your brain. Work through it. You may experience a wall even at the start of your event, don't give in. Then, with any where from 400m. or less, a wall that most talk about. The walls are more mental than physical. If you continue to experience have fallen into the trap of "self induced" program. That's are talking yourself into it. This wall can happen in the weight room, bedroom, driving a car, etc. Tear down the wall.

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