Wednesday, March 11, 2020

#belly reducer

Welcome everyone...follow up to last session (2). Getting rid of a 5-10 lb. wt. in each hand, stand with feet about 8-10 inches apart, hold weights about 6-8 inches from legs and swivel in each direction as far as possible. Do no move hips, move only from waist up...and twist. When you get as far as you can in one direction...snap to other direction. Do for 60 sec., rest for 30 sec. 10 sets. Now do 10 sets while moving hips. Increase weights at will. You can also do this with broom handle or any object by placing arms against body, bend elbows and slide handle inside of elbows and twist as in other drill. If possible, do in front of mirror. Twist/snap are keys. Next writing "high wire drill."

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