Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hello and welcome everyone! Sometimes I have so many thoughts on my mind, I don't know
where to begin. Let's give it a go. Sunday, tomorrow I will be speaking in a church! Yes, you
heard right. The pastor requested that I speak about my "Balance Your Life" class. I am honored to say the least. Whether one is religious or not, I believe there is a spiritual element
within all of us. So, my message will have a "balance" between the physical and the spiritual.
Will let you know how it went next week. A fitness class in church?! Could be a new trend.

TIMELINE...thoughts on the "line of efficiency." The line between EXPECTATION and RESULTS is the line of efficiency. The closer to the expectation line, the better. Where we
start and how we improve over time requires a "timeline." Chart your progress. Remember,
in my world of fitness there is a starting point, but NEVER an end. Fitness must be ongoing.
That's why no one ever graduates from any of my classes. Never an ending. Why would you
stop your healthy lifestyle. Where is your "line of efficiency" today?

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
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